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Reignite Your Spark!

Rediscover Your Energy,

Stamina, & Vitality​




10.30 - 11.00 AM

(Eastern Time, New York)



Are you feeling tired?

Fatigued?     Burned Out?

Is it difficult for you to get out of bed in the morning?


Discover practical tips and techniques to revitalize your energy levels and enhance your overall well-being. This class will equip you with strategies to combat fatigue, improve sleep quality, and boost your mood, helping you live a more active and fulfilling life.  


These practices are adaptable to any situation- whether you're sitting, standing, or lying down, in a wheelchair or fully mobile; you can participate. Join us for FREE weekly practice sessions on Zoom after the class. You can even practice in your pajamas!

The Power of Group Practice

It is so important to practice with a group, and do it on a regular schedule that you can build into your life. It helps keep you on track and accountable.


We will be doing practices on Mondays & Thursdays from 10.30 AM - 11.00 AM Eastern (New York) time.


There is power in group practice.

Based on a Quantum Physics formula

E = cA2(squared)

where E is energy, c is a constant (like minutes), and A is amplitude squared.


For example: c = 30 minutes of practice. A = 20 (# of people in the practice). So practicing with a group of 20 people for 30 minutes = 30 x (20*20) = 30 x 400 = 12,000 minutes / 60 minutes (in an hour) = 200 hours of practice. 

​Join the group!

The Practices

We will begin by doing practices to strengthen & develop three of the five most important energy centers in the body. 


In Traditional Chinese Medicine these are the Lower Dan Tian or lower abdominal area. The Snow Mountain Area, sometimes referred to as the Kundalini area or Golden Urn. And the Message Center or heart chakra.

Next Steps

I will guide you each step of the way; teaching you these ancient, sacred, simple yet powerful practices that will completely transform your life.


There is an ancient Chinese saying, If you want to know if a pear is sweet, taste it.  I invite you to try the pear and experience the results for yourself.


Sign-up below to receive your links to get started. 


I look forward to practicing with you,

as you 

Reignite Your Spark!

Let's Get Started

Thanks for submitting! Please check your email for the details of the class.

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