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Real Stories
Real People

Colorful Nature

Imagine yourself being immobilized for hours with gripping fear (of personal future outcomes and consequences of bad financial conditions).

A phone call to Robyn Brent…healed me!! She does very powerful work. Keep her phone # handy! I am so grateful to her.
~ Gloria K.      



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I feel energized after the workshop. The feelings I felt during the workshop make me feel as if I had a life-transforming experience. The insight I got again is how powerful the work is.

~ Bob 

Sunrise on Nature

I was moved by the focus, sincerity and skill of the teachings to go beneath the surface into deeper levels. I felt release of stuckness, and new levels of acceptance and support in opening to my abundance.

~ L.L. 

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Very essential information that I “knew” and was reminded of. Thank you.

K. G 

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Being in an environment where everyone is working on all levels (physical, emotional, mental & spiritual), with all the practices for the entire time, gives comfort and peace on all levels.

The completeness is real and healing.

Kate P. 

Fragile Pampas
White Sands
White Sands

I thank you so much for the session I received from you. It certainly lifted the burden that had been sitting heavily on my shoulders. And it happened all so quickly and effortlessly on your part (or at least that’s what I thought.)

As the saying goes, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” You most certainly have the gift of a Healing Alchemist. I will share your name around to all I know.

~ Alexi B.

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Wonderful. Experienced states of Heaven. A lot of healing to body/mind/soul. I am very grateful that I came.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

~ Ari 

Ocean Rocks

I loved all the energy in the room. The meditation was very relaxing, the soul dancing felt very freeing…This has been a very enlightening class with a lot of information…Love the instructors! Very knowledgeable.

~ G.W. 

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Getting in touch with my inner soul is a new experience to me, but something I am very excited about. 


Ocean Rocks
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